Friday, August 1, 2008

The Lords Little Lessons

The Lords Little Lessons
The Lord works in amazing ways. When I moved to Cedar City, Utah I had it all figured out. I would have awesome roommates. We would go out all the time and they would be the people I would go on group dates with and go to dances with and the people I would sit next to at church. Besides my roommates I would have a group of friend to be hangout it and we would go to Vegas and they would be there to just chill with. I know this would happen, because it happened everywhere else that I was single at. It was my pattern. It was the way that my life always happened. I seemed to always be able to make friends and people always liked me. I was attractive, nice and fun to be with. So I know I would have no problems getting dates in this new town. I was set. So when I moved to Cedar City and it did not happen right away I was not worried, because I just felt I needed time and a little effort. So I joined the institute program and I participated in an after school service committee, knowing this plan would work. I was friendly and nice, but I never really got past the superficial hellos and what is your major talk. Plus I was not getting asked out. Which was really hard for me, because I was so used to have attention from guys. Also I only had one roommate who was loved to stay home and watch movies. I was going crazy so I took another step I went to the church dances alone and I just joined a group when I got there. Sure I got asked to danced, but not really twice. I even went to the firesides alone and even to the movies alone. I went where the people were at, and still no success. So with all effort I asked the Lord what else I could do. The only answer I got was that were some lessons for me to learn. Slowly the lessons came. The first lesson I was taught that I was okay by myself and that I did not need others to make me feel good inside. And the second lesson I learned was I now knew how it felt to have not have friends. From those lessons things dramatically changed for me I started noticing people who were alone and needed friend way more then I ever did. I had compassion for them. I for once really understood their pain. I was also able to spend more time with my roommate who really needed my time and my friendship. And finally I did find the man of my dreams and he when he mobilized with the Army. I was able to be okay being without him. I even loved going to the alone movies alone. Even through there were many nights without my man, I was okay, because I was okay with myself. The Lord helped me learn to love myself. The crazy thing is I really do enjoy being with myself. Because I am a good person and I know it and that is really all that really matters.

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