Friday, August 1, 2008


Faith is something that we encounter everyday of our lives. Faith is like a muscle it is strengthen every time we exercise it. The Lord works with small and simple things to bring forth something that is great. Faith is something that is small, but it can bring us and others something that is great. The lessons that I have learned from faith has been one of the greatest blessings that I have been given in this life.
My parents are my teachers and my examples. When I was fourteen years old my dad taught me one of the greatest lessons on faith. My family was moving from Florida to Utah so my dad and I went out to find a place for our family to live. I was excited to be able to spend time with my dad and to be the first one to see our new house. I felt special. So my dad and I loaded up the car and we were off. The trip was going pretty good until we started to have car problems. I remember seeing stream coming from the hood so we would pull out and let it cool off. But unfortunately the stream problem never got better. I was scared and really wondered how we were going to make it in that old broken car. Just then my dad asked me to say a prayer for the car. It was the first time in my life that I question if my Heavenly Father heard my prayers and if I had enough faith to know if he did. So I said my simple prayer and we kept driving. Through that prayer and our faith we made it Utah safely. The Lord is truly a Lord of miracles. He did heard my prayer and he answers them. I remember thinking that I had the greatest dad in the world, because he had faith in me and in his own father in heaven. I pray that I will be able to be that same kind of example to my own family. I do know that my faith has grown. It has taken so work and a lot of pain and at time some confusion. But in the end I know that the Lord knows what each of needs and often sees what we can’t see and helps us find the way.

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